Learning to sit BabyAll babies develop differently. Here’s what we know about when and how babies begin sitting up.

By Fiona Peacock

How do babies sit up?

Newborn babies do not have the strength or muscle control to sit unaided. From birth, your baby will gradually develop the strength to hold its head up and, eventually, hold itself up. This process will take months, and it isn’t something you can rush. Your baby will need to develop full head control before it can master sitting up by itself.

Your baby will start by lifting its head and looking around while doing tummy time. As it grows bigger and stronger, the will develop into a baby push-up, as he forces itself off the ground to take a look around.

While the muscles are getting stronger, he/she will be figuring out how to balance. This will probably be the case of trial and error, so make sure your baby is in a cushioned and safe environment. There will be a lot of tumbling over before your baby manages to sit up for any length of time.

Can I help my baby sit?

These steps will give your baby a gentle nudge in the right direction.

  1. Make tummy time fun for your baby. To develop strong neck and core muscles for sitting up, your baby needs to spend plenty of time on its belly. Place a few toys just out of reach to help it exercise those key muscles.
  2. Provide plenty of opportunities. To develop good muscle control, your baby needs plenty of time for free movement. This means time to roll and shuffle, reacd and lift and explore.
  3. Limit the use of devices that force your baby to sit before it’s ready. Limit the time your baby spends in device that prop your baby up, as this will hinder their development of muscle control they need to sit unaided.
  4. Play with your baby. Use toys, and your voice, to encourage your baby to follow the sound and lift its head. You can do this while your baby is lying on the floor or your chest.
  5. Get a baby mirror. Babies love looking at their reflections! Prop a baby mirror up in front of your baby during tummy time and encourage it to hold its head up.
  6. Create a safe environment for your baby to practice in.
  7. Stay nearby. Your baby will become an expert at falling long before it manages to sit up. Make sure you’re nearby to catch your baby.

What changes happen when babies sit up?

When they sit up, not only are babies able to see the world around in a new light, but they have their first taste of independence.

Just as important, it will change the way you interact with your baby. The way you communicate with each other will develop now that you can sit facing eath other during floor play. Eye contact is an important part of communication, and that will be easier, once your baby can sit up. When your baby is sitting up it will be easier for them to explore their environment and choose different toys to play with.

Do some babies never sit up?

If your baby has reached 9 months and is showing no signs of sitting up, it might be worth alerting your healthcare provider.

My baby is sitting. What comes next?

Crawling! You might notice your baby switching from a sitting position to an all-fours position, but it will be sometime before they actually crawl.

With this in mind, it is time to start baby-proofing your house. It is wise to do this before your baby starts to crawl.

Chiropractic can help your baby meet their milestones. Call 502-352-2940 or click SCHEDULE YOUR FAMILY HERE.

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